Have you always wanted to try yoga? Perhaps you are nervous about trying something new? Perhaps you are worried about making a fool of yourself in a classroom setting. Or maybe you are not very coordinated,.and you are apprehensive about potentially falling flat on your face…

The truth is, the only way you are going to get over your fears is by confronting them head on. This may sound like a cliche, but the fact is, when you attempt to do something you have always thought yourself unable to do, you gain some confidence merely by the fact that you have made the attempt.

Whether you succeed or not in anything you set out to accomplish is secondary to the strength of mind you will achieve by challenging yourself. If you have always wanted to try yoga, then sign yourself up for a class and walk through that door as though you were on a mission to do something for you. Don't be intimidated by other students. You are there for yourself. If you make a friend along the way, that is a great side-product, but focus on your task at hand.

Listen to the instructions the teacher gives. Yoga teachers are very specific and if you pay attention, you will understand exactly what it is you are supposed to do. Yoga poses are very detailed and require alignment, strength, flexibility and focus. You will not be able to do everything on the very first day, but it doesn't matter,

You can watch how other people do poses, when you are confused about how exactly to do them, but do not obsess over the fact that some people can do some things you cannot. They may have been taking classes for longer, they may have previously practiced gymnastics, or they may be exceptionally flexible.
Be inspired by those who can do more than you, and learn from them. If you keep practicing, in time, you will naturally get better.

There are different schools of yoga. All yoga is Hatha yoga, but there are different types of yoga based on different sets of assorted poses. If you try different kinds of classes, you are sure to find one kind that suits you. There is even hot yoga, yoga poses taught in classes where the heat is turned way up. This kind of yoga is known to be detoxifying. The heat helps your flexibility, as well.

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