When individuals get hooked on a sport, they usually eat, drink and sleep their passion. Sometimes this can cause tunnel vision when it comes to training. When my focus was on running, it was the only thing I wanted to do 7 days a week! I wasn't a competitive runner against other people. My only challenger was myself. I tried to beat my time, increase my mileage and outlast myself, through the pain.

A competitive runner, for instance may focus only on speed drills or endurance. In the meantime, their body is feeling the side effects from the arduous training and the impact sustained by running. In addition, competitive sports can create a profound sense of anxiety.

A perfect compliment to any sport is to incorporate the regular practice of yoga into your life. The benefits of yoga for athletes in particular, are increased flexibility, improved muscular strength, and sharper focus. Yoga poses practiced regularly are the cause of the physical improvements but the greatest benefit is acquired through the intense focus on the breath while practicing.

Yogic Breathing can improve your performance as well as enhance your overall understanding of your chosen sport. Taking deep and intended breaths can re-focus your energy on the task at hand, relieve stress and give you the competitive edge to overcome difficult situations. I often use yogic breathing to calm anxiety throughout the day or to prepare myself to hit the hay in the evening.

With so many types of yoga out there, it is best to experiment with different styles that work for you. You don't have to be exclusive to one type. I prefer power yoga. I feel like I am getting a great workout but ending with soothing recovery poses. As your activity varies every day your yoga can too:

  • Ashtanga: for an intense body-mind workout
    • Hatha: for relaxation and recovery
    • Kundalini: for focus and self discovery

Though yoga's physical benefits are countless, its purpose since the beginning has been to provide a sense of well-being and enlightenment. A regular practice starting today will improve your game. Discover tomorrow that you have improved your life.

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