When a lot of people hear the word meditation they think of a yogi sitting with his legs crossed and a subtle grin on his face, as if he's entered into that perfect state of mind, the right dimension, a secret state of awareness that few either know how to do or have done something right to deserve it. The truth is, however, relative to each of us when it comes to being happy or peaceful and we all have the ability to be more aware of the present moment, whether not we like what is currently going on within or without ourselves. It is when we start to label things as good or bad that we wind up getting in our own way, so to speak.

We are all afflicted by the burdens of the human ego when it comes to embodying who we really are at any given moment, and the ardent individual who practices such meditation comes to realize there really is no limit to our awareness. Anyone can become aware of their infinite potential and really find out who they are if they are just willing to look without expectations, labeling, or any other types of resistance. We just have to accept the fact that we are always changing and growing, and the only thing that hinders our understanding of this process is our own resistance to it. Thoughts come and go as well as our emotions and real life situations. If we can develop the self discipline needed to accept any kinds of situations we experience, that is when we start to see some light at the end of the tunnel.

So, the image of that yogi may be accurate. He may be in a state of peace or he may be experiencing hate, sadness, fear or even anxiety about any given thing, but he knows that these are only temporary things that pass and do not define who he is or the life he is living. He is just content with the fact that when he embodies his awareness of these things, he sees the deeper beauty within. The beauty of his own development and the beauty of his own existence in this ever changing realm we call earth , or life. So, don't let anything keep you from experiencing life as it is unfolding. Fully embody your awareness and the pettiness of everyday life will seem to just melt away.

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