8 Yoga Poses That Will Instantly Make You More Grounded | TheThirty

Are you looking to increase calm energy, help with your focus and stress relief? There are several grounding poses that will assist you in these areas. While holding each pose and through the transitions keep a clear mind and remember to look at each pose as a tool. Also keep your heart center connected with the earths energy beneath your feet,keeping your breath long from your toes to your nose.
To begin start in Mountain Pose – Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, hands loose by your side. Relax your shoulders and neck. Your knees should be slightly bent, not locked. Close your eyes, and feel your mat beneath you ,become grounded on all four corners of your feet. Feel the weight sink down into the earth, inhale fully and slowly, and exhale completely.

Next move into Tree Pose begin in Mountain Pose Slowly let your right foot travel up the inside of your left leg until the arch braces against the inside of the upper thigh or calf,never place your foot directly on the knee joint. Your free hip should be turned out and facing forward. You can bring your hands, palms together, to heart center, or raise them over your head. This is a balance move, but also focus on grounding through the standing leg.If you feel calm and centered try closing your eyes for a breath or two. Slowly lower your leg, and switch to the other side.

Bring your feet back together and move into Forward Fold ,This basic pose loosens the tension in your back. Start in Mountain Pose, and slowly raise your arms over your head. Swan dive down,exhale and let your whole body relax. Allow the arms to dangle loosely, and feel the feet plant into the floor. Inhale deeply, and as you exhale let your body relax just a little more, folding inwards, head towards the floor if you can let your palms lie flat on the floor in front of you, shake your head “yes” and “no” to release tension in your neck. Inhale to return to Mountain Pose.

Next move into The Triangle This pose stretches the spine, opens the torso, improves balance and concentration and aides in opening the heart
Start in Mountain Pose then spread your feet 3-4 feet apart, alittle more than shoulder width parallel. Turn your left foot 90 degrees to the left and your right foot about 45 degrees inward. Inhale and raise both arms so they’re parallel with the floor. Exhale, turn your head to the left and look down your left arm toward your outstretched fingers. Check that your left knee is aligned with your left ankle. Take a deep breath and stretch outward to the left, tilting the left hip down and the right hip up. When you’ve stretched as far as you can, pivot your arms, letting your left hand reach down and come to rest against the inside of your calf, while your right arms points straight up. Turn and look up at your right hand. Breathe deeply for several breaths. Inhale, and straighten up. Exhale, lower your arms. Put your hands on your hips and pivot on your heels, bringing your feet to face front. Repeat the posture on the other side.

From Triangle move into Warrior 2 to help ground and strengthen your own inner warrior move back into Mountain Pose with feet together and hands at side. Step your feet 4-5 feet apart. Turn your right foot about 45 degrees to the left. Turn your left foot 90 degrees to the left so that it is pointing straight out to the side. Slowly bend the left knee until the thigh is parallel with the floor, but keep the directly over your ankle, never going beyond the ankle. Raise your arms over head. Then slowly lower them until your left arm is pointing straight ahead and your right arm is pointing back. Concentrate on a spot in front of you and breathe. Take 4 or 5 deep breaths, lower your arms, bring your legs together. Reverse the position.

Now we move to the floor beginning in the grounding position of Bridge Pose. This is designed to calm the brain, rejuvenate tired legs and relieve spinal tension. Lie on your back with your feet hip-width apart and flat on the ground. Press down with your feet; lift your butt, hips, pelvis and back off the ground. Keeping your arms flat, with your shoulders on the floor,if you can lock your fingers under your butt. Inhale and exhale slowly feeling the earth beneath your feet and shoulders.
Come down from bridge slowly and roll into a seated position to move into Seated Spinal Twist. To help detox and aid in digestion
Sit comfortably with your legs crossed in front of you . Inhale through the nose, bringing arms overhead and pressing palms together. As you exhale, twist to your left. Reach your left hand behind your back to the ground. Put your right hand on the outside of your left knee. Use it to leverage the twist to your left, taking your gaze over your left shoulder. Repeat on the right side.
From Spinal Twist bring your legs straight in front of you for Seated Forward bend. this helps to release the spine and hamstrings
Sit on the floor, legs extended. As you inhale through the nose, bring your arms overhead. As you exhale, reach up and out, slowly . fold at the hips trying to keep the spine straight and long. Hold the position, making sure your shoulders and neck are relaxed. Deeply inhale and exhale. Inhale, to slowly rising up to sitting position.

Next is Salutation Seal. This helps reduce anxiety and stress, calms the brain and clears the mind.
Sit cross-legged. Relax shoulders back and down. Bring palms together. Take 10 deep, inhales through the nose and exhales out of the nose.
Now move into Savasana or Corpse pose, lie flat on your back ,palms up and feet hips width apart. Let your whole body sink into the floor while taking long cleansing breaths, keep you eyes closed. Relax.

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