''Karma'' means action and ''yoga'' means a methodology to be in harmony. So Karma Yoga is using the actions itself as a tool or method to be in harmony with ourselves, eliminating the inner conflicts and hence helps us to be a real successful person in life. (There is another context of karma like good/bad karma judged according to what we have done in our lives…like credits and debts in our life account but we aren't getting there now)

Many of us have always felt that we are inclined to do some things and hate to do some other. As we grow out of childhood, we tend to accumulate certain character, certain likes and dislikes that sculpts who we are. This identity as who we are makes one feel good if others judge it positive and makes one offensive if others even attempt to judge it negative. We say "I don't like to be judged". Depending on the likes and dislikes we tend to articulate our life with things that we want to do. But this isn't gonna work like it all the time and we know that for sure. We also need to do somethings in life that we really wouldn't want to if given a choice. Like for example…..about 90% of the population would not want to go to work on a Monday morning, if given a choice. And almost any house wife(no offense here..the intent was to point that even house wives with no job stress ) hate doing dishes and chores. So what could we do about it in order to make it a little better?

What I have learnt is that in life we can't run away from performing any actions! Though we are filthy rich and don't have to work, will definitely have to do something in life…otherwise this world would be a happier place at least for the rich..but we all know its not.

So the key is to do the right thing with the right attitude and that will make it easier for us to overcome the internal struggle. When I mean right thing…again its not to our likes…but the ones that doesn't hurt anyone. By right attitude I mean, doing it for a higher purpose, seeing the bigger picture – the wholesome interconnected nature of this world.

There were a couple of guys working on a construction site, chipping stones etc; When one was asked what his job was, he replied that he had to chip around 50 stones a day. While the other guy replied he is building a church! There is a world of difference in the thought patterns and motivation between those two guys.

I hear what you are saying…..the fact is a fact ..that those two were chipping stones anyways…but look still and deep into their attitudes which makes a huge difference. After all we all know that its only our mind that decides and makes us happy and not the actual event itself. So why not try to help that mind to inturn help us be happy?? Think about it…!

Will keep writing…until then try to do at least one karma per day with 'the' right attitude consciously and see for yourself.

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